Sunday 12 May 2013

Outfit post | Only girl in the world...

Nisam od onih osoba koje imaju ograničen stil, već volim da kombinujem više stilova, uglavnom to zavisi od raspoloženja Ovaj outfit je jedan od onih u kojima se najbolje osećam, onaj koji mene najviše karakteriše, i za koji mi ljudi govore da najbolje mogu da iznesem. Kakav je vaš sud o ovoj kombinaciji? 
Do sledećeg posta...

  I'm not one of those people who have limited style, instead I like to combine more styles and that mostly depends on my mood. This is one of those outfits in which I feel best, the one that characterizes me most and the one that people tell me I can present best. What's your opinion of the outfit? 
Until next post...

Cap / Deichmann
Necklace / New Yorker
T-Shirt / Terranova
Jacket / Levis
Skirt / Zara (Kids)
Hosiery / H&M
Sneakers / Converse All Star